About Arson Track
Tracking Wildfires

Since 2017

Arson Track is a data-based program accessed in the cloud. We developed this program to track arsonists triggering fires across the country. Based on arsonist behavior, 50 or more attributes in the program assist in tracking arsonists and identifying future ignition locations.

Features of Arson Track

Arson Track is a user-friendly program that can be customized to your preferences. We have created the program in a way that both single and multiple users can access it. It is one location for all your investigation information. The program features drop-down menus that speed up incident entries. It also allows you to make automatic mapping inquiries in four different formats.

Arson Track LLC

Why Sign Up for Arson Track

Arson Track is the ultimate solution to the piles of folders and files that accumulate during an investigation. We help you to decipher the data to track arsonists and identify them. Get in touch with us to learn about the program in detail.